Pages (1 results)
TopAffiliated Faculty
ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »
Students (1 results)
Samuel Miles
Samuel Miles is a Ph.D. student in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley. Sam studies electrical and political power systems. He pairs frameworks from environmental ... Continue Reading »
- Agriculture
- climate
- development
- economics
- energy
- Mini-grids
- Productive uses
- sanitation
- transportation
- Urbanization
- water
Alumni (1 results)
Sanjana Tadepalli
Sanjana (she/her) is a Master’s graduate from 2024. She is interested in climate justice, participatory methods, and environmental communication. Before coming to ERG, Sanjana was a researcher at the Disaster ... Continue Reading »
- climate
- development
- disasters
- Environmental / Climate Equity
- environmental humanities
- ethics
- participation
- Science communication
Topics (1 results)
TopMichael Starkey
Wilderness, Race, and African Americans: An Environmental History from Slavery to Jim Crow (’05 MA)